The IITs are defying the suggestion that there should be common all India entrance test for these Institutions whereas the management is of the other view. There has been little public response on this debate so far as the fate of thousands of our brilliant students hangs in balance. The IITs have often been accused of not sensitizing their outgoing Post graduates to serve Indian masses. Rather, fresh graduates/post graduates prefer to serve either the foreign government run/private institutions/organizations or the blood sucking Corporates registered in those affluent countries. India remains as technologically poor and a heavy importer of technologies as ever at great cost. The IITs have defied all hopes of making India a technological power and R&D hub of technologies that are within reach of Indians and in making the lives of the people easier and comfortable in a cost effective and affordable manner. But the freshers and their teachers think otherwise and have no concern with the social goals and objectives of the successive governments ever since 1947. They have also falsified the Nehruvian vision of the social face of technology vs industry. Of course the IITs have been evasive about accountability. What use is the talent and training of the students in the IITs if it cannot be deployed in national interests? The public must support Mr. Sibal in taming the IITs and must see that they first serve our own people that living a luxurious life under the corporate foreign companies amazing salary structures. I am also amazed as to why my friends have been least concerned about my posting on this issue in the last four days!
